
Sheffield Dog Rescue

So, it’s a beautiful day, you’ve got enough change in your pocket for a couple of bus fares and you’re open to suggestions for a nice way to wile away a few hours. This is a good start. Rather than going for an afternoon drink or a sunbathe on Dev Green you could try something cheap, fun, and dare I say it, wholesome.

Said ‘something’ is an excursion to Sheffield Dog Rescue which is located about twenty minutes away from the City Centre in Mosborough and is easily reached by bus. If you like dogs, walks in the countryside and ultimately helping someone out, this could be just the place for you to visit.


After hearing of Sheffield Dog Rescue (SDR henceforth) through the University’s Geography Department’s pooch (Geog Dog) I found their email address and contacted them with a general inquiry about dog walking and whether there were any special requirements. Zero, (apart from being over 18 years of age) as I happily discovered from a friendly and speedy response which invited me to come along during their opening hours on a day that suited me. I did so about a month after the email correspondence by catching a bus from the Centre and having a quick reccy on google maps so I knew which stop to alight at, and which direction to head in afterwards. The journey was brief and after a five minute walk from the bus stop, or ten at most, I found myself at SDR and was greeted by a busy but straightforward woman who appeared to be manning the phone, dealing with visitors and looking after the dogs all at once. I briefly explained that I had emailed previously and that my purpose on that fine June day was to walk a dog. A choice of small, medium or large was offered, and after plumping for medium to large a bouncing Jack Russel terrier was brought out from the kennels. This wasn’t what I was expecting but after being assured he (Alfie) was well behaved and would be a ‘good one to start with’ I asked for recommended routes/directions and set off on a suggested path behind SDR, leaving the pleasant enough lady to crack on with her day’s work.

As promised, Alfie was a dream. In the scorching heat this turned out to be a blessing as a misbehaving dog would have seemed far more difficult to cope with and would have been far more tricky to enjoy. The route we took encompassed trees, rapeseed fields and open grassy pastures, lacking in shade but making up for it by way of photo opportunities and the chance to appreciate the countryside when only a stone’s throw from Sheffield. The path sloped gently downwards and into a small town- presumably Mosborough- where we stopped at a pub for a pint of coke and some water for Alfie. This interlude/cool down session lasted for a good half an hour until we decided to head back the way we had come, to SDR for Alfie and the bus stop for me.


Our parting was brief and a few small pleasantries were exchanged with the lady at the desk before I caught the bus back to Sheffield. The walk wasn’t taxing physically (bar the heat) and I was back in the Centre less than four hours after I’d left it. It is hard to explain in a brief review just how lovely the hours were without simply gushing about the joys of walking a dog, wallowing in the sun covered fields and the ability to do all this at minimum expense, effort and commitment.

Volunteering to walk a dog is not an idea that instantly springs to mind when you’ve got a few hours to kill, but if you enjoy dog walking and can spare the time, it really is worth visiting Sheffield Dog Rescue as you can take part in a simple pleasure that is otherwise inaccessible within the City Centre.

Here’s the link for their website http://www.sheffield-dog-rescue.org.uk/ and if you do pop along, make sure you see Alfie!


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